2 0 2 4

International Journal

“Application of Anomaly Detection to Identifying Aggressive Pig Behaviors Using Reconstruction Loss Inversion”
H. S. Kim, Y. S. E. Kim, F. A. Devira, Mun Yong Yi
AgriEngineering, 6(4), 4442-4459, 2024
SCIE, Impact factor: 3.0

“WISE: Efficient WSI selection for active learning in histopathology”
Hyeongu Kang, Mujin Kim, Young Sin Ko, Yesung Cho, Mun Yong Yi
SCIE, Impact factor: 5.4

“Exploring the influence of user characteristics on verbal aggression towards social chatbots”
Hyojin Chin & Mun Yong Yi
Behaviour & Information Technology, Published online: 05 Jun 2024
SCIE, Impact factor: 4.231

“A Study on the Weapon–Target Assignment Problem Considering Heading Error”
Ji-Eun Kim, Chang-Hun Lee & Mun Yong Yi
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences,Published: 27 March 2024
SCIE, Impact factor: 1.7

“A predicted-loss based active learning approach for robust cancer pathology image analysis in the workplace”
Mujin Kim, Willmer Rafell Quiñones Robles, Young Sin Ko, Bryan Wong, Sol Lee & Mun Yong Yi
BMC Med Imaging 24, 5 (2024)
SCIE, Impact factor: 2.795

2 0 2 3

International Journal

“Keyword-enhanced recommender system based on inductive graph matrix completion”
Donghee Han, Daehee Kim, Keejun Han, Mun Yong Yi
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Accepted 10 November 2023
SCIE, Impact factor: 9.36

“Understanding the Empathetic Reactivity of Conversational Agents: Measure Development and Validation”
Bumho Lee, Mun Yong Yi
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Accepted (2023-10-12)
SCIE, Impact factor: 4.92

“Temporal Enhanced Inductive Graph Knowledge Tracing”
Donghee Han, Daehee Kim, Minsu Kim, Keejun Han, Mun Yong Yi
Applied Intelligence, 2023-10
SCIE, Impact factor: 5.3

“Effect of realistically estimated building lifespan on life cycle assessment: A case study in Korea”
Sukwon Ji, Bumho Lee, Yesung Cho, and Mun Yong Yi
Journal of Building Engineering, 75, 2023-09, 107028.
SCIE, Impact factor: 7.144

2 0 2 2

International Journal

“Improving quality control in the routine practice for histopathological interpretation of gastrointestinal endoscopic biopsies using artificial intelligence”
Young Sin Ko, Yoo Mi Choi, Mujin Kim, Youngjin Park, Murtaza Ashraf, Willmer Rafell Quiñones Robles, Min-Ju Kim, Jiwook Jang, Seokju Yun, Yuri Hwang, Hani Jang, and Mun Yong Yi
PLOS ONE, 17(12), 2022-12, e0278542.
SCIE, Impact factor: 3.752

“Enhancing User’s Self-disclosure through Chatbot’s Co-Activity and Conversation Atmosphere Visualization”
Rafikatiwi Nur Pujiarti, Bumho Lee, Mun Y. Yi
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 38(18-20), 2022-12, 1891-1908.
SCIE, Impact factor: 4.32

“Correcting Rainfall Forecasts of a Numerical Weather Prediction Model Using Generative Adversarial Networks”
Chang-Hoo Jeong and Mun Yong Yi
The Journal Of Supercomputing, 2022-7.
SCIE, Impact factor: 2.474

“Voices that Care Differently: Understanding the Effectiveness of a Conversational Agent with an Alternative Empathy Orientation and Emotional Expressivity in Mitigating Verbal Abuse”
Hyojin Chin, Mun Yong Yi
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 38(12), 2022-07, 1153-1167.
SCIE, Impact factor: 4.920

“MixPatch: A New Method for Training Histopathology Image Classifiers”
Youngjin Park, Mujin Kim, Murtaza Ashraf, Young Sin Ko, and Mun Y. Yi
Diagnostics, 12(6), 2022-06, 1493.
SCIE, Impact factor: 3.706

“New Weapon Target Assignment Algorithms for Multiple Targets Using a Rotational Strategy and Clustering Approach”
J. -E. Kim, C. -H. Lee and M. Y. Yi
IEEE Access, 10, 2022-04, 43738-43750.
SCIE, Impact factor: 3.36

“Improving Graph-Based Movie Recommender System Using Cinematic Experience”
CheonSol Lee, DongHee Han, Keejun Han, Mun Yong Yi
Applied Sciences-Basel, 12(3), 2022-02, 1493.
SCIE, Impact factor: 2.679

“A loss-based patch label denoising method for improving whole-slide image analysis using a convolutional neural network”
Murtaza Ashraf, Willmer Rafell Quiñones Robles, Mujin Kim, Young Sin Ko, Mun Yong Yi
Scientific Reports, 12(1), 2022-01, 1-18.
SCIE, Impact factor: 4.38

2 0 2 1

International Journal

“Playing Behavior Classification of Group-Housed Pigs Using a Deep CNN-LSTM Network”
Beng Ern Low, Yesung Cho, Bumho Lee, Mun Yong Yi
Sustainability 2022, 14(23), 2022-12, 16181.
SCIE, Impact factor: 3.251

“Building life-span prediction for life cycle assessment and life cycle cost using machine learning: A big data approach”
Sukwon Ji, Bumho Lee, Mun Yong Yi
Building and Environment, 205, 2021-11, 108267.
SCIE, Impact factor: 6.9

“Computational Valuation Model of Housing Price Using Pseudo Self Comparison Method”
Seungwoo Choi, Mun Yong Yi
Sustainability, 13(20), 2021-10, 11489.
SCIE, Impact factor: 3.251

“The Role of User Resistance and Social Influences on the Adoption of Smartphone: Moderating Effect of Age”
Jaeheung Yoo, Saesol Choi, Yujong Hwang, Mun Yong Yi
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 33(2), 2021-03, 36-58.
SSCI, Impact factor: 7.400

“Enhancing the Encoding-Forecasting Model for Precipitation Nowcasting by Putting High Emphasis on the Latest Data of the Time Step”
Chang-Hoo Jeong, Wonsu Kim, Wonkyun Joo, Dongmin Jang, Mun Yong Yi
Atmosphere, 12(2), 2021-02, 261.
SCIE, Impact factor: 2.686

2 0 2 0

International Journal

“Design and Implement of A Big Data Evaluator Recommendation System Using Deep Learning Methodlogy”
Sukil Cha 1,2 Mun Y. Yi and Sekyoung Youm 1*
Applied Sciences-Basel, 10(22), 2020-11, 8000.
SCIE, Impact factor: 2.679

"An Effective Approach to Enhancing a Focused Crawler Using Google"
Jae-Gil Lee, Donghwan Bae, Sansung Kim, Jungeun Kim, Mun Yong Yi
The Journal of Supercomputing, 76(11), 2020-10, 8175-8192.
SCIE, Impact factor: 2.474

"Applying Comparable Sales Method to the Automated Estimation of Real Estate Prices"
Yunjong Kim, Seungwoo Choi, Mun Yong Yi
Sustainability, 12(14), 2020-07, 5679.
SCIE, Impact factor: 3.251

2 0 1 9

International Journal

"GAMESIT: A gamified system for information technology training"
Juneyoung Park, De Liu, Mun Y. Yi, and Radhika Santhanam
Computers & Education, 142, 2019-12, 103643.
SSCI, Impact factor: 5.627

"Determining and Validating Smart TV UX Factors: A Multiple-Study Approach"
Jincheul Jang, Mun Yong Yi
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 130, 2019-10, 58-72.
SCIE, Impact factor: 2.006

"Learning to be better at the Game: Performance vs. Completion Contingent Reward for Game-based Learning"
Juneyoung Park, Seunghyun Kim, Auk Kim, Mun Yong Yi
Computers & Education, 139, 2019-10, 1-15.
SSCI, Impact factor: 5.627

"Search Personalization in Folksonomy by Exploiting Multiple and Temporal Aspects of User Profiles"
Keejun Han, Mun Y. Yi, and Jungeun Kim
IEEE Access, 7, 2019-07, 95610-95619.
SCIE, Impact factor: 4.098

2 0 1 8

International Journal

"A New Biomedical Passage Retrieval Framework for Laboratory Medicine: Leveraging Domain-specific Ontology, Multilevel PRF, and Negation Differential Weighting"
Keejun Han, Hyoeun Shim, and Mun Y. Yi
Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2018, 2018-12, 3943417.
SCIE, Impact factor: 1.295
[PDF] [Link]

"Complex and Ambiguous: Understanding Sticker Misinterpretations in Instant Messaging"
Yoonjeong Cha, Jongwon Kim, Sangkeun Park, Mun Yong Yi, and Uichin Lee
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(30), 2018-11, 1-22.
[PDF] [Link]

2 0 1 7

International Journal

"Developing Information Quality Assessment Framework of Presentation Slides"
Kim, Seongchan., Lee, Jae-Gil., and Yi, Mun. Y.
Journal of Information Science, 43(6), 2017-12, 742-768.
SCI Expanded, impact factor: 1.939
[PDF] [Link]

"A Framework for the Targeted Selection of Herbs with Similar Efficacy by Exploiting Drug Repositioning Technique and Curated Biomedical Knowledge"
Sang-Jun Yea, Bu-Yeo Kim, Chul Kim, Mun Yong Yi
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 208, 2017-09, 117-128.
SCI Expanded, impact factor: 3.115
[PDF] [Link]

2 0 1 5

International Journal

"Personal Information Management Effectiveness of Knowledge Workers: Conceptual Development and Empirical Validation"
Yujong Hwang, William Kettinger, and Mun Y. Yi,
European Journal of Information Systems, 24(6), 2015-11, 588-606.
SCI, Impact factor: 2.892
[PDF] [Link]

"Antecedents and Consequences of Mobile Phone Usability: Linking Simplicity and Interactivity to Satisfaction, Trust, and Brand Loyalty"
Dongwon Lee, Junghoon Moon, Young Jin Kim, and Mun. Y. Yi,
Information & Management, 52(3), 2015-04, 295-304.
SCI, Impact factor: 1.788
[PDF] [Link]

"Building a Business Knowledge Base by a Supervised Learning and Rule-Based Method"
Sungho Shin, Hanmin Jung, and Mun Y. Yi,
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 9(1), 2015-01, 407-420.

2 0 1 4

International Journal

"A Personalized Query Expansion Approach for Engineering Document Retrieval"
GyeongJune Hahm, Mun Y. Yi, Jaehyun Lee, and Hyowon Suh,
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 28(4), 2014-10, 344-359.
SCI, Impact factor: 2.068
[PDF] [Link]

"On Exploiting Tag Information for Community Detection on Flickr"
Minsoo Choy, Woochul Sung, Jae-gil Lee, Mun Y. Yi and Y. Park,
Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 17(10(A)), 2014-10, 5003-5008.

[PDF] [Link]

"Annotating Korean Text Documents with Linked Data Resources"
David Müller, and Mun Y. Yi,
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 68(2), 2014-01, 413-427.
SCI, Impact factor: 1.058
[PDF] [Link]

"Contextual Keyword Extraction by Building Sentences with Crowdsourcing"
Soon Gil Hong, Sungho Shin, Mun. Y. Yi,
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 68(2), 2014-01, 401-412.
SCI, Impact factor: 1.346
[PDF] [Link]

"Platform to Build the Knowledge Base by Combining Sensor Data and Context Data"
Sungho Shin, Jungho Um, Dongmin Seo, Sung-Pil Choi, Seungwoo Lee, Hanmin Jung, and Mun Y. Yi,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014-02, 542764.
[PDF] [Link]

2 0 1 3

International Journal

"An Empirical Test of Three Mediation Models for the Relationship Between Personal Innovativeness and User Acceptance of Technology"
Joyce D. Jackson, Mun Y. Yi, and Jae S. Park,
Information & Management, 50(4), 2013-06, 154-161.
SCI, Impact factor: 1.788
[PDF] [Link]

"Toward an Integrative Understanding of Information Technology Training Research across Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction: A Comprehensive Review"
Radhika Santhanam, Mun Y. Yi, Sharath Sasidharan, and Sung-Hee Park,
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (5)3, 2013-09, 134-156.
SCI, Impact factor: 1.165
[PDF] [Link]

"Untangling the Antecedents of Initial Trust in Web-based Health Information: The Roles of Argument Quality, Source Expertise, and User Perceptions of Information Quality and Risk"
Mun Y. Yi, Jane J. Yoon, Joshua M. Davis, and Taesik Lee,
Decision Support Systems, 55(1), 2013-04, 284–295.
SCI, Impact factor: 2.036
[PDF] [Link]

“A Study on the Motivational Aspects of Information Management Practice”
Yujong Hwang, William J. Kettinger, and Mun Y. Yi,
International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), 2013-02, 177-184.
SCI, Impact factor: 2.042
[PDF] [Link]

2 0 1 2

International Journal

"MovieMine: Personalized Movie Content Search by Utilizing User Comments”
Hyung W. Kim, Keejun Han, Mun Y. Yi, Joonmyun Cho, and Jinwoo Hong,
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 58(4), 2012-11, 1416-1424.
SCI, Impact factor: 1.087
[PDF] [Link]

"User Disposition and Extent of Web Utilization: A Trait Hierarchy Approach"
Joshua M. Davis, and Mun Y. Yi,
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70(5), 2012-05, 346-363.
SCI, Impact factor: 1.165
[PDF] [Link]

2 0 1 1

International Journal

"Group-level Effects of Facilitating Conditions on Individual Acceptance of Information Systems"
Sung-Hee Sunny Par, Lorraine Lee, and Mun Y. Yi,
Information Technology and Management, 12(4), 2011-12, 315-334.
[PDF] [Link]

As of 2010 (Before KAIST)

International Journal

"Effects of Individual Innovativeness on Physician Acceptance of Information Technology"
Jackson, J. D., Yi, M. Y., and Park, J. S.,
International Journal of Services and Standards, 6(1), 2010-08, 21-42.

"Understanding Information Behavior and the Relationship to Job Performance"
Hwang, Y., Kettinger, W. J., and Yi, M. Y.,
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2010, 27(8), 2010, 113-128.
[PDF] [Link]

"Time-User Preference and Technology Acceptance: Measure Development of Computer Polychronicity"
Davis, J., Lee, L., and Yi, M. Y.,
American Journal of Business, 24(2), 2009-09, 23-31.

"Understanding the Role of Individual Innovativeness in the Acceptance of IT-Based Innovation: Comparative Analyses of Models and Measures"
Yi, M. Y., Fiedler, K. D., and Park, J. S.,
Decision Sciences, 37(3), 2006-10, 393-426.

"Understanding Information Technology Acceptance by Individual Professionals: Toward an Integrative View"
Yi, M. Y., Jackson, J. D., Park, J. S., and Probst, J. C.,
Information & Management, 43(3), 2006-04, 350-363.
[PDF] [Link]
Citation count: over 700 as of 2016

"Human-Computer Interaction Research in the Management Information Systems Discipline"
Nah, F. F., Zhang, P., McCoy, S., and Yi, M. Y.,
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64(9), 2006-09, 787-788.

"Improving Computer Skill Training: Behavior Modeling, Symbolic Mental Rehearsal, and the Role of Knowledge Structures"
Davis, F. D. and Yi, M. Y.,
Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 2004-06, 509-523.
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"Predicting Computer Task Performance: Personal Goal and Self-Efficacy"
Yi, M. Y. and Im, K. S.,
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 16(2), 2004-04, 20-37.
[PDF] [Link]

"Predicting the Use of Web-Based Information Systems: Self-Efficacy, Enjoyment, Learning Goal Orientation, and the Technology Acceptance Model"
Yi, M. Y. and Hwang, Y.,
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59(4), 2003-10, 431-449.
[PDF] [Link]
Citation count: over 900 as of 2016

"Toward an Integrative Framework for Online Consumer Behavior Research: A Meta-Analysis Approach"
Saeed, K. A., Hwang, Y., and Yi, M. Y.,
Journal of End User Computing, 15(4), 2003-10, 1-26.
[PDF] [Link]

"Developing and Validating an Observational Learning Model of Computer Software Training and Skill Acquisition"
Yi, M. Y. and Davis, F. D.,
Information Systems Research, 14(2), 2003-06, 146-169.
[PDF] [Link]
Citation count: over 400 as of 2016

"Computer Playfulness and Anxiety: Positive and Negative Mediators of the System Experience Effect on Perceived Ease of Use"
Hackbarth, G., Grover, V., and Yi, M. Y.,
Information & Management, 40(3), 2003-01, 221-232.
[PDF] [Link]

"Improving Computer Training Effectiveness for Decision Technologies: Behavior Modeling and Retention Enhancement"
Yi, M. Y. and Davis, F. D.,
Decision Sciences, 32(3), 2001-09, 521-544.
[PDF] [Link]

"The Multilevel and Multifaceted Character of Computer Self-Efficacy: Towards a Clarification of the Construct and an Integrative Framework for Research"
Marakas, G. M., Yi, M. Y., and Johnson, R. D.,
Information Systems Research, 9(2), 1998-06, 126-163.
[PDF] [Link]
Citation count: over 800 as of 2016